"the intelligence of a fly-on-the-wall vignette ... Within three minutes, Wing-Davey is able to turn the energy of those moving parts into nothing short of a masterpiece of observation, the kind of space that immediately feels populated by real people." - POPDUST (Andrew Karpan)

WAITING (2017)
A short film by Isabella Wing-Davey
A single scene vignette in a ladies room at a wedding, slice of life, a look at femininity and the different ways women interact with each other and their own bodies.
3 min/USA /Anchor Light & Powder Room Films
Writer/Director: Isabella Wing-Davey
Cast: Nadia Dajani, Cosmo Bayes, Kathleen Wise, Louisa Krause, Lily Balatincz
Producer: Theodora Dunlap, Claire MacDonald, Isabella Wing-Davey
Director of Photography: Rob Leitzell
Production Design: Olga Miasnikova
Costume Design: Brenda Abbandanolo
Editor: Lee Manansala
Original Music: "Cry Out" by Natalie Smith